My morning started off well, in the sense that it started promptly at 13:00 when I woke up...needless to say, the first thing I craved when I did eventually wake up, were flapjacks. My fondness for flapjacks is actually thanks to my sister for some odd reason...I was "that" person, the one that hadn't had flapjacks or pancakes ever before...growing up, my go-to breakfast was porridge...any cake fried up in a pan was just a fantasy I saw on movies growing up, sitting on my grandmothers carpet in the living room. my sister, on the other hand, likes to do everything she sees in movies, so I guess its a win-win, for all of us involved.
It's relatively easy to make the batter...the real science comes in making sure you don't burn them or flip them too early. There are tales as old as time (from 2017) that I could tell you about all the flop-jacks I have had the pleasure to churn out. but we don't talk about the past here, only the future (which, if I'm being totally honest, might contain even more flops than the past).
Having said all that, here is a recipe for flapjacks that's foolproof, and sure to make even the worst cook (the kind that burns water) look like somewhat of a decent cook.
You will need:
-3/4 cup flour
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-a pinch of salt
-1 egg
-1/2 cup milk
-3 teaspoons of sugar
-a sprig of thyme (optional, but I recommend it)
-blueberries (optional)
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. In a smaller bowl, combine the egg, sugar, and milk until well incorporated.
Add the egg mixture into the flour mixture, and make sure it is well combined. add the thyme and the blueberries and mix until incorporated.
Add some butter to your non-stick pan and fry your flapjacks. Only flip once you see tiny air bubbles popping on the surface of the flapjack.
Serve and enjoy (just don't go back to sleep)