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Writer's pictureBoni

Bread chronicles (a success story)'s day 8 of the #SouthAfricaLockdown, and as per usual, I've been at home, working the heck out of my oven, poor thing wants nothing to do with me, but I'm not here to babysit feelings, less so the feelings of an oven, so here I am.

Ever since the first day of the lock down, I've managed to make muffins, magwinya, or as the English-speakers translate it...fat cakes (which, if I'm being honest, isn't the best translation. they could've been more creative, but that's just my opinion)

however, more recently, I've managed to make the one thing that has been giving me nightmares ever since I started cooking to begin with...


But wait...not just any type of bread...your girl managed to make beautiful, decadent, wholesome, give-life-to-the-living...baguettes.

I've never felt so fulfilled in my life. Yes, it took me a whole 2 days, and yes, I won't lie...there were moments I thought i would fail miserably...but here I am, standing victoriously!

My bread-induced anxiety started right around the time I was 12. I got it into my head that I could make burger rolls...easy enough, right? well, I can, with certainty, tell you today, that it was most definitely NOT easy enough. I know this because what was meant to be burger rolls, turned out to be inedible flatbread.

Shame, my poor dogs almost broke their teeth.

Anyway, your girl is here with her redemption story, and I'm not even ashamed to brag...enjoy


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